Contact and process informaiton for the Command Inspector General. Links directly under the "Staff" tab on the home page. Seperate from the Directory to allow for personnel to find it easier and the large amount of informaiton required.

The Command Inspector General serves as the Commander's "eyes and ears" to help ensure U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific, at every level, does the right things in the right ways.  The right things revolve around being combat ready.

We assist, inspect, and investigate to ensure combat readiness.  Doing things in the right ways means the Command Inspector General evaluates and promotes best practices, safety, quality of life, taking care of our Marines and our command as an institution.

We take care of our command by guarding our integrity and Marine Corps ethos; by seeking ground truth; by presenting the unvarnished facts; and by advocating the highest standards.

Inspector General of the Marine Corps

Assistance & Investigation
Common Complaints 

​Subordinate Inspector General Offices



Please click below to submit a complaint.

Inspector General Hotline

COM: 808-477-1833
DSN: 315-477-1833
FAX: 808-477-8872
E-Mail:  Command Inspector General E-mail

Mailing Address
Box 64140
Bldg 1A - Room 104
Camp H.M. Smith, HI  96861-4140

Determine the Best Method to Address Your Complaint

We encourage complainants to first attempt to resolve their issue using the chain of command. We also refer complainants to other processes established by the Department of the Defense or the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps.

The Common Complaints list provides the appropriate offices for you to contact in order to best resolve your concerns. If you don't find your issue, contact your legal officer, Staff Judge AdvocatePublic Affairs Officer, or local Command Inspector General for assistance.

First, contact your chain of command to solve the problem. Start at the lowest possible level and use command channels before elevating them to the next higher level.

Discuss your problem with members in your chain of command such as the legal staff, union representative, chaplain, human resource personnel, equal opportunity advisor, your immediate supervisor, and Commanding Officer. Our experience has shown, with few exceptions, that commands are responsive to complainant's issues.

Military members may want to bring the issue to the attention of his/her immediate or second level supervisor, Senior Enlisted Advisor, or Commanding Officer.

Civilian personnel may want to bring the issue to the attention of his/her immediate or 2nd level supervisor, Commanding Officer, Local Human Resource Office, Human Resource Service Center, etc.

If you are unable to resolve the matter using the chain of command, you may consider filing a formal grievance. These grievance procedures differ depending on your employment status.

Military members may consider filing one of the following grievances:

  • Complaint of Wrongs Against the Commanding Officer (Article 138)

  • Complaint of Wrongs Against a Superior Outside your chain of command (Article 1150)

  • Equal Opportunity (EO) Complaint

  • Military Whistleblower

Navy/Marine Corps Federal civilian employees may file grievances with the:

  • Human Resource Office

  • Human Resource Service Center

  • Merit Systems Protection Board

  • Office of Special Counsel

U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific